幼き思い出・青獅子の学級 Childhood Memories (Blue Lions)
(中庭 夜)
Courtyard | Evening
ソティス: 何じゃ、逃げ出してきたのか。
Sothis: Running away?
I understand. You hardly had the time to breathe in there.
It must be hard to be the favourite teacher at the ball! Poor, poor Professor!
Choice 1: 別に人気者では…… I am not everyone's favorite...
ソティス: 次から次へと踊りたいという生徒が現れたではないか、まったく。
Sothis: Was that a joke? I find it hard to tell with you. Just think of all the students begging you to dance!
Choice 2: つらい It is difficult. *Sothis up
ソティス: 人気者ということは否定せんのじゃな。流石はおぬしよ。
Sothis: So you do think you're the favorite! I might have known.
ディミトリ: ……ああ、先生。どうしたんだ、こんなところで。
Dimitri: Professor? What are you doing here?
Choice 1: エーデルガルトと踊らないのか? Aren't you going to dance with Edelgard?
ディミトリ: ……やめておく。
Dimitri: No, I should think not.
Choice 2: クロードと踊らないのか? Aren't you going to dance with laude?
ディミトリ: はは、先生は冗談が上手いな。エーデルガルトならともかく、クロードか。
Dimitri: Haha, good one, Professor. I could see saving a dance for Edelgard, but Claude is another story.
In any case, I have no intention of dancing with anyone.
ディミトリ: 俺は、子供の頃にエーデルガルトから踊り方を教わった。……気まずいだろ。
Dimitri: As a child, Edelgard taught me how to dance. It was...a bit awkward, honestly.
Choice 1: エーデルガルトから? Edelgard?
Choice 2: 子供の頃……? As a child?
ディミトリ: ……先生。以前、彼女と俺が義理の姉弟だという話をしたな。
Dimitri: I've told you before we're siblings by marriage, haven't I?
Her birth mother was my stepmother, although I didn't know that at the time.
My stepmother treated me with such kindness...just as though I were her own flesh and blood.
And yet she never so much as hinted that she had her own child...Edelgard.
We were born and raised in different territories, without ever knowing the other even existed.
Yet, against all odds, for just over a year, we became childhood friends.
Choice 1: 友人? Friends?
Choice 2: 姉弟ではなく? Not siblings?
ディミトリ: ああ。俺たちは、互いの身分も素性も知らないまま出会い、親しくなった。
Dimitri: Indeed. Unaware of each other's stations or backgrounds, we met and became incredibly close.
This was when she and Lord Arundel were living in the Kingdom.
Byleth: 2人がなぜ王国に? Why were they in the Kingdom?
ディミトリ: ……亡命してきたんだよ。帝国内でも揉め事が続いていた時期だったからな。
Dimitri: They were in exile... This was a time of great turmoil within the Empire.
I ran into her when visiting Lord Arundel's residence with my father. She seemed...quite bored. With everything.
At first I found her to be difficult and stubborn, but that facade quickly fell away, revealing her true self beneath...
That's around the time when she taught me how to dance. Her instruction was... Oh, let's call it strict. To put it nicely.
エーデルガルト: ほら、足が違うわ!そこで出すのは右足でしょう?
Edelgard: Wrong foot, Dimitri! You're supposed to lead with your right!
ディミトリ: ……エル、もう日が暮れるよ。おれ、そろそろ帰らなきゃいけないんだけど……。
Dimitri: El, the sun's going down! I really oughta be heading home...
ディミトリ: ……彼女が国に帰るまでの1年は、本当に……楽しかった。
Dimitri: That one year before she had to return to the Empire was...so much fun. The time of my life, in many ways.
ディミトリ: なあ先生。今考えても情けない話なんだが、俺は彼女への餞別に、何を渡したと思う?
Dimitri: It's kind of pathetic to think about it all these years later, but can you guess what I gave her as a parting gift?
Choice 1: 野花 Flowers?
ディミトリ: ……そちらのほうが、ずっとまともだ。短剣だぞ、短剣。彼女も困っていた。
Dimitri: No, that makes too much sense. Actually, I gave her a dagger! You should have seen the look on her face!
Choice 2: 本 A book?
Choice 3: 短剣 A dagger? (Dimitri ⤴)
ディミトリ: ……よくわかったな。一応、意味もあったんだぞ。
Dimitri: Huh. Good guess, Professor. But I swear, it came from the heart.
ディミトリ: 昔からファーガスでは、剣を、未来を切り拓くもの、と考える。
Dimitri: In Faerghus, we've long considered blades as tools of destiny. As a way to cut a path to a better future.
She was being dragged all over, unable to live the life she wanted. I thought the dagger could help her cut out a path to the future she dreamed of.
However...that was many years ago. I'm sure she's forgotten all about the boy I was back then.
Byleth また仲良くすればいい It's not too late to reconnect.
ディミトリ: もう遅いさ。何もかも、あの頃とは違う。……彼女も、俺もな。
Dimitri: I'm afraid it's far too late for that. Things are different now. She's different. I'm different. Anyway...
I'm feeling a bit out of place here. Festivities like this don't suit me.
ディミトリ: だが、そろそろ会場に戻らないとな。じゃあ、先生。また後で。
Dimitri: Still, I suppose I should get back in there. Good-bye, Professor.
ソティス: ……して、どこへ逃げ出すつもりじゃ?修道院の中はどこも浮かれた生徒で……
Sothis: But where is there to run? This place is filled with joyful students looking for a dance.
Ah... I see. The Goddess Tower waits for you...
ディミトリ: 少し付き合ってくれ、先生。そろそろ、舞踏会にも飽きただろう?